NickServ for mIRC 4.72 by flipper Hi, this script wasn't all that hard to make, but it did take time and effort please do not copy this, or say that it is your creation, for the simple fact that you did! Nothing bugs me more than someone taking credit for my script! Ok, down to the script this script works pretty much like NickServ on DalNet, thats where I got the idea this script is only set to kick a person from a channel, most of the people who want to use this don't have IRCop access for it to use a /kick $nick this script has all the help stuff within it... very easy to use and modify this is version 1.0.0 there will be a newer version vey soon with more options. please let me know what you think of this script! e-mail me at: or find me in #teen-friends please notice that I have left my nickname registered with this script, please leave it that way if you are going to use it as a channel bot on dalnet the request for a MemoServ and ChanServ is high also... I have completed them but still testing.. I haven't tested NickServ much but thats what Im going to start on soon. eeeventually nickserv will be upto DalNet's nick serv quality, thanks for using a flipper script. Please direct questions, comments, and or ideas to please visit my homepage at: Thanks!